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Just flashed a police car....


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crazy.gif Just had a nice meal out this evening in Weybridge, on the way back through a residential area I have a police Volvo estate patrol car literally sitting on my rear bumper smashfreakB.gif

crazy.gif I'm driving with in the speed limit but slowing down for speed bumps, officer gets bored waiting behind me and with no indicators pulls out and overtakes me - well over the speed limit with no blue lights flashing.

grin.gif So I did what I do best, flash the lights - got to say thats the first time I've flashed a police car yelrotflmao.gif

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So in one thread we have Tyresmokers bitching about being flashed when they overtake other cars. It is safe to assume said Tyresmokers will breach the speed limit during their overtake. Nothing wrong with that. In this thread, we have a Tyresmoker flashing a car which is speeding and overtaking.

Ian crazy.gif

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So in one thread we have Tyresmokers bitching about being flashed when they overtake other cars. It is safe to assume said Tyresmokers will breach the speed limit during their overtake. Nothing wrong with that. In this thread, we have a Tyresmoker flashing a car which is speeding and overtaking.

Ian crazy.gif

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In this thread, we have a Tyresmoker flashing a car which is speeding and overtaking.

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.............and the Police could also have merely been going to a job which required a quick response, but not necessarily a response which required blue lights, ie; an emergency.

A bit of a presumption there Bazza, that he was just "bored".

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My understanding is that if they are responding to a call and it the road conditions allow them to do so, they can overtake at speed without need for sirens and lights in a residential area. However it is at the discretion of the officer and if there are mutliple cars on the road at the time which mean that navigation of that road at speed would be compromised then they use lights.

IMO it's a loop hole for them to be hypocrits. I got poltiely warned by a panda car last week as the officer and his colleague thought I had accelerated and pulled away from the outside lane of a set of lights to merge further up the road into single lane 'too aggresively' and then took a roundabout too quickly.

The fact that on the inside lane was a 1.0l Micra, it was brilliant sunshine, the raod was bone dry and there was no other traffic on the road plus the car I drive wasn't taken into account, just the fact he had a job doing the same maneouvres in his Feckus.

Couldn't be bothered to argue, just agreed and went on my way.

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Everyone's missing the point that the policeman was driving right up Bazza's arse before he decided to overtake. Speeding in the line of duty is one thing, but dangerous driving is another. I reckon Bazza's read this one right, he was in a hurry for his coffee and donuts, and Bazza was holding him up. grin.gif

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I got politely warned by a panda car last week as the officer and his colleague thought I had accelerated and pulled away from the outside lane of a set of lights to merge further up the road into single lane 'too aggressively' and then took a roundabout too quickly.

The fact that on the inside lane was a 1.0l Micra, it was brilliant sunshine, the raod was bone dry and there was no other traffic on the road plus the car I drive wasn't taken into account, just the fact he had a job doing the same maneouvres in his Feckus.

Couldn't be bothered to argue, just agreed and went on my way.

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.... What's unsafe in one car may be safe in another. Micra and quattro Audi being a good example.

Obviously the "outside" (right hand) lane at the lights didn't display turn right only arrow markings but allowed straight ahead. In which case, unless you left tyre smoke, I would say that you were in fact driving safely and with all due consideration because you wouldn't want to frighten or compete with the Micra driver as the lanes merged into one. Was it in a 30 limit zone?

If the Micra had been a faster car then I would have judged my own rate of acceleration against theirs and driven accordingly without racing. It also depends how far ahead the merge is.

?? - Who has the right of way in a two-lane merge ??

?? - Would your 'polite warning' be logged and therefore, I assume, networked over the whole UK on your record ??

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There wasn't any right of way or merge in arrows over the other side of the junction and you were right in saying that the right lane gave access to driving stright ahead or turning right.

I didn't have to exceed the speed limit and it was seen that I left the Micra for dead. Largely because he was faffing on with his mobile at the time the light which as I saw in my rear view mirror soon got dropped on the floor when he realised there was a panda car two cars behind him.

As for being logged, I don't know. There was nothing written, only a PNC check done over the radio. I'd be very annoyed is something was logged for something as minor as that, especially given I have a clean licence.

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You should have slammed the brakes on 'Claiming you saw a cat run out in front of you' and then the policeman has to come up with a very inventive excuse why he wasn't travelling at a safe distance after he stacks into your arse.

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I've done that to an area car before when we both took an exit from the M1 motorway on day and I got pulled over and told I was braking 'too agressively'! Scared the crap out of the officer in the passenger seat of the area car as he gripped the drop handle above his door and sat up! sekret.gif

Just can't win. FIREdevil.gif

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So in one thread we have Tyresmokers bitching about being flashed when they overtake other cars. It is safe to assume said Tyresmokers will breach the speed limit during their overtake. Nothing wrong with that. In this thread, we have a Tyresmoker flashing a car which is speeding and overtaking.

Ian crazy.gif

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grin.gif Ian dude - you are indeed correct I was 'moaning' not so long back about people not overtaking when the speedlimit and road conditions allowed. However, on the whole I was talking about National Speed Limit single carraigeways,

I certainly wasn't trying to encourage people to overtake on residential 30mph roads with lines of parked cars on both sides plus traffic calming measures every 25 metres.

As stated in the original post - he had been sitting on my rear bumper 'pushing' me along and didn't even indicate to warn me of his overtake?

grin.gif I still think he was late to get his donuts or late finishing his shift 169144-ok.gif

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I have an alternative theory Bazza....

Perhaps the attentive Police Officer noticed (to his great surprise) that your Porsche doesn't have Xenons and in the interests of safety was driving as close you your bumper in an attempt to 'share' his road illumination with you? grin.gif

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I have an alternative theory Bazza....

Perhaps the attentive Police Officer noticed (to his great surprise) that your Porsche doesn't have Xenons and in the interests of safety was driving as close you your bumper in an attempt to 'share' his road illumination with you? grin.gif

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grin.gif yes you fekr.gif - in that case it was a very kind gesture of the nice officer and I should take back what I've said so far yelrotflmao.gif

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I have an alternative theory Bazza....

Perhaps the attentive Police Officer noticed (to his great surprise) that your Porsche doesn't have Xenons and in the interests of safety was driving as close you your bumper in an attempt to 'share' his road illumination with you? grin.gif

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ooooooooooohh..........miaaaoooow..... grin.gif

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