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Buying a DB7 ... pitfall advice required please


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A good friend of mine, recently promoted to captain on a European airline, is thinking about buying a DB7.

He has seen 8 year old examples for about 45k and he is thinking perhaps of keeping it for special occassions, so not his daily driver.

One of the directors here at work going to buy one of the 90s Vantages but was put off due to small service intervals and massive servicing costs.

Does anyone know what my friend should look out for, or even if buying one is such a good idea?

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Has he driven one? I found it ummnn not so good. I did a review in the Review section. There are better cars for the money out there, m advise would be to simply stay away tongue.gif

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Totaly agree, stay well away, very expensive to service/insure/run. NOT the best performer/or ride, much better options out there for that money. NONO3.GIF

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I remember reading that and thought it was a good review. However, if you look at xspence's comments they probably reflect where my friend is coming from. Less of the "perfect driving experience" and more of the way it makes you feel driving it.

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Yeah sure, fully understand. It takes all sorts and people obviously forgive its shortfalls to be part of the Aston club. Still think its worth him taking a drive in one first. Then maybe try a second hand SL55 too and see which he wants then... 169144-ok.gif

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In three words, don't do it!

I had a colleague who had a 2002 (I think) DB7 Vantage Convertible. IN the 9 months he had it it was at Aston Martin 37 times.

He only lived 10 miles from our office so a 20 mile per day commute. The Aston dealer told him it wasn't a car you should use every day.

If you leave it more than three days without turning over, the battery dies, if you drive it every day a combination of electrics / clutch / throttle system fail.

Plus it's cramped, not very well put together and expensive on service costs as mentioned previously. Unless you get one of the very last DB7's produced in either GT or Zagatto form they're not worth the hassle IMO.

Would an SL not be a decent alternative?

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Someone who lives just down the road works at Gaydon, and he says Aston's are not worth the money for the way they are put together on the production line. Also some of the materials used are very cheap in feel and are a sod to fit without damaging.

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He only lived 10 miles from our office so a 20 mile per day commute. The Aston dealer told him it wasn't a car you should use every day.

If you leave it more than three days without turning over, the battery dies, if you drive it every day a combination of electrics / clutch / throttle system fail.

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So .... it's not for use every day, but if not regularly used it will suffer. Have I understood right? yelrotflmao.gif

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Spot on! 169144-ok.gif

Previous to this he was a big Aston fan and had an original Virage and Vantage but they were absolute beasts, hence he moved to the DB7 Vantage.

Now driving a Mini Cooper Works beacuse of the Aston 'experience'.

I gather they are a lot better now though

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Things haven't improved with the DB9. A friend of mine has one and its always back in the dealers for one thing or another. My mate complained and the service manager said: " Sir, you have bought an Aston martin, they have their foibles."

For £109k I'd want a bloody perfect motor. Oh, and it gives him backache as the seats are crap!!

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I'm surprised no-one has mentioned the fact that one of the very last DB7's made in DB7 GT guise was rated by many experts as the best Aston Martin made in decades.

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I did say that about the GT and Zagatto, however by the original post by Andrew I think it would be out of budget range.

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I'm surprised no-one has mentioned the fact that one of the very last DB7's made in DB7 GT guise was rated by many experts as the best Aston Martin made in decades.

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Well I must be no expert, because the GT that I drove was the most disapointing car I have ever driven. The engine was all noise and no go. The chassis felt loose and inert, with dreadful steering (and I am used to Audis remember). I needed medical assistance to get in and out.

It looked fantastic, and the guy that owned it was awaiting his DB9 so he wasnt put off.

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