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Do you undertake??


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Just recently I have been getting really jarred off with the amount of idiots who sit in both the middle and the outside lane, leaving the inside lane completely empty.

So I have started to undertake, alot. But am I in the wrong or not? I am not darting in and out of lanes, I am just sitting on the inside lane and overtaking on the odd occasion when I come across another car in that lane (very rare). I just sit there doing 80-85mph and watch all the people tailgating each other in the overtaking lane fade into the distance.

The reason I ask is I can see people shaking their heads in disgust as if I am in the wrong, but am I? Surely I am driving correctly and everyone else is in the wrong?

What do you all reckon?

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Agree with you Gizze.. I don't make it my normal style of driving, but if I don't cut people up, and am not weaving in/out of traffic etc. then I will maintain speed in the lane i am in.... (and let the volvo/merc driver continue to hold everyone up in lane 3) sekret.gif169144-ok.gif

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Ah but you guys have four or five lane M-ways. Here in Switzerland we only have two-lane ones, yet get loads of people undertaking in heavy traffic. People in the outside lane then accelerate to close the gap - I can't emphasize enough how dangerous it is...

And all for what? Saving five or 10 minutes maximum smashfreakB.gif

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Highway Code is quite clear. Para 242 says:

"Do not overtake on the left or move to a lane on your left to overtake. In congested conditions, where adjacent lanes of traffic are moving at similar speeds, traffic in left hand lanes may sometimes be moving faster than traffic to the right. In these conditions you may keep up with traffic in your lane even if this means passing traffic in the lane to your right. Do not weave in and out of lanes to overtake."

So what does that mean?? Does it mean you can stay in the inside lane or not?

It makes it sound more like you are not allowed to jump from lane 3 to lane 2 to get passed someone and then back again.

I really do think there should be adverts on TV to teach people the basics and more importantly to think of others, we could bring back Charlie to do it!!


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I do. Only after giving people a fair amount of time to shift out the way though.

If there's someone in lane 2 on an otherwise clear motorway, I'll approach in lane 1, pull behind them, wait a short while to see if they move, if they don't I pull to lane 3 to overtake, and then straight back to lane 1 to make a point.

Unless I'm feeling a little more fiesty then I just plough up lane 1 to make a point FIREdevil.gif

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If there's someone in lane 2 on an otherwise clear motorway, I'll approach in lane 1, pull behind them, wait a short while to see if they move, if they don't I pull to lane 3 to overtake, and then straight back to lane 1 to make a point.

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Oh yes - I do this ALOT, make it absolutly obvious by moving dramatically from lane 1 to 3 and back to 1 to make sure they have realised the inconvenience they are causing other drivers.

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The trouble is, if you pass on the inside and some prat decides he's not having it and pulls in on you, any resulting collision is your fault as you shouldn't have been passing him on that side.

Might be unfair, but that's how it is.

Not worth the risk. crazy.gif

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the real irritating one is when you are in a bunch, clear inside lanes so you pull in matching speed of traffic so i then have a big braking distance etc so safer. Then Mr Beemer driver will watch and close the gap right up as soon as you indicate to go back out to overtake something - i didnt undertake and i looked out for safety of others and they then get all agressive about it. Feckers.

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The trouble is, if you pass on the inside and some prat decides he's not having it and pulls in on you, any resulting collision is your fault as you shouldn't have been passing him on that side.

Might be unfair, but that's how it is.

Not worth the risk. crazy.gif

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Good point.

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That depends how the law is interpreted. IIRC, if the traffic is travelling at less than 60mph it's not illegal, and if you are following natural progress for your lane, again it is not illegal.

So if I'm the only one in my lane, and I'm doing 70mph in lane 1, and there's someone in lane 2 doing less speed than me... nah I wouldn't get away with that one would I? grin.gif

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That depends how the law is interpreted. IIRC, if the traffic is travelling at less than 60mph it's not illegal, and if you are following natural progress for your lane, again it is not illegal.

So if I'm the only one in my lane, and I'm doing 70mph in lane 1, and there's someone in lane 2 doing less speed than me... nah I wouldn't get away with that one would I? grin.gif

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I think it would be very hard to prosecute you, as long as there is traffic in the lane ahead you can just argue that you are staying in your lane and keeping up with traffic.

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I would only undertake in exceptional circumstances (someone sitting at 55 mph in outside lane with a long clear road in front of them, for example).

Similarly, I always stick to the correct lane when approaching roundabouts, unlike many of the people I see on my daily commute.

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I undertake but only after assessment and a fair amount of time behind the offending car.

I give them the chance to move into the insider lane, flash them to move inside and should they still persist then do the maneouvre in the knowledge they ain't going to move over.

On motorways when you can see them half a mile away on the middle lane again I'll flash them to move inside but normally hey don't so I continue along the inside to make an example but invariably they are still in the middle lane when they are a meer spec in my rear view mirror.

Sheer laziness IMO and they should be prosecuted and ordered to retest. It probably significantly accounts for congestion on the roads today because of poor lane discipline.

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