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SKY - No Signal.


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Have tried powering down reset.

Connections at box and dish still screwed in tight.

Have called Sky, and signal strength setting says " Not Locked" hence Engineer visit required at £65 ish. SAUER0421.GIF

Its christmas Eve, so we are not likely to get anyone for the next few days.

Its a 3yr old installation, so it might be better to invest in a new Sky Plus or HD install, than pay someone to diagnose/fix ours.

Any suggestion that might restore our tv would be appreciated beerchug.gif


If we upgrade to a HD install and new bx, can we still use a NON HD scart based telly, until its time to replace TV?

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When we have had that in the past, I have found that putting the box into Standby mode, taking out the viewing card, switching power off & removal of all cables from the back of the box, followed by cable reattachment, plug back in, viewing card in, leaving it for 2 minutes and then out of standby mode to be a good solution.

Best of luck 169144-ok.gif

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Cheers Pincher. 169144-ok.gif

Sadly its deeper than that.

I took the Sky box apart, and measured the output. We havent got the 13-18v DC output to the Sky dish LNB.

So the dish is effectively dead.

Either the box has packed up, or The LNB has, and taken the sky box with it.

So attempting to get Sky TV for christmas has been aborted.

Can you upgrade to SKY HD, and retain a Non HD telly over a scart connection?

ie future proof the box, not get full hd quality, but still be able to watch it?

The TV is 3 years old, and the parents are not ready to replace it yet.

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Not sure about the HD bit but have you tried an LNB Reset?

No idea if it will work but it's got to be worth a go!

Go to Services and press 4

Then press 0 1 Select (should take you to the installer menu)

1 for LNB setup

Highlight LNB Power Supply and change from On to Off

then to the 22KHz Command and change to off

Down to Save Settings & hit Select

You should then go back to Installer Setup

Go into LNB Setup again and hit the red button to reset all settings and save again, then press the Sky buttin to exit.

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If it's any consolation, my Sky+ HDD is dying a slow death - if I record one channel, watching another is virtually impossible as the screen jerks & pixellates and the sound stops & starts.

Went to my sister-in-laws yesterday to swap drives (she has the Box but no Sky+ subscription).

I undid my box, unscrewed the billion screws & earth on my one, opened hers up........

And there was no feckin' HDD in there! smashfreakB.gif

Funnily enough I couldn't get one in PC World this morning frown.gif

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Can you upgrade to SKY HD, and retain a Non HD telly over a scart connection?

[/ QUOTE ]

Answering my own question, but it would seem not.

Parents are not ready to change a 3year old good telly, when HD content is only just starting to emerge.

looks like we'll be getting an engineer visit, or cancelling Sky, and having a reinstall.

What ever is the most cost effective option.

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Update on this. 169144-ok.gif

Sky are comming today to repair it out of warranty for a fixed fee of £65.

Much better than the Callout + parts + labour = expensive we were expecting.

They will replace whatever is needed, Box, LNB etc and will get 3 months warranty on all parts.

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