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I want a new M5!!!!!!!!!!


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Who DOESN'T want a new M5?!!

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I wanted one, dearly, right up until the local dealership let me borrow one for a day. It has three flaws, two major, one minor.

The minor flaw is that over the 70 miles that I drove it, it ate £25 of petrol. Although I wasn't light on the gas pedal wink.gif and the experience was probably worth £50.

The first major (and I mean MAJOR) flaw is the gearbox. Please BMW, please please please put a proper clutch pedal and gearstick in it. I'm not a baby, I can change gear even with a big engine. Instead you get this horrid automatic clutch mechanism that couldn't change gear smoothly if its life depended on it. As far as I'm concerned, I've now given up on all forms of flappy paddles for the next decade or so.

The next major flaw is that it's boring to drive.

I'll say that again: it's boring. Imagine a 5 series with a gas pedal that goes further down. Now you have an M5. No hairy moments, no wind in your hair, no feeling that you are at one with the machine. You give it orders, it carries them out so efficiently that you kiss bye bye to your licence. Something was missing - ok it was phenomenally fast for a limo, but where's the sparkle? coffee.gif

In fairness, it should be said that the other car is a 911... our relationship is somewhat smlove2.gif

So, I wanted it dearly right up until the moment I started driving it. If you want a one line summary, I was sitting in the garden with the M5 on the drive (sitting on someone else' tyres tongue.gif), I looked at the blue sky and thought "oooh! - I could pop out in the 911".

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You can't really compare an M5 to a 911 though, they are completely different beasts.

If you were in the market for a saloon car, what would your choice be?

I can't imagine anybody would have a 911 and an M5 on their shortlist, they are chalk and cheese to the extreme!

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There you have it then...... znaika.gif

As the Vicar used to say, "here endeth the lesson"!!! From my point of view, I'm not in the market for an M5 but I'm sure your driving experience will be interesting to those who are considering an M5. 169144-ok.gif

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