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Red cars go faster???


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Black is the fastest colour for a car...by some margin znaika.gif


As we all know, black is the sexiest colour.

But first, I'm going to prove it's the FASTEST colour! ECLIPSe.gif

The proof... znaika.gif

Consider a black car on a sunny day... [1]

The suns rays are shining on the black car. As everyone knows, black absorbs more light that other colours.

Thus a black car heats up quicker/more than a lighter coloured car due to sunshine/natural light.

One of the largest frictional forces that acts against a cars acceleration and velocity is air-resistance.... [2]

Now, one of the wonderful properties of nature, is that gases expand when heated.

Thus, the heat from the black paint will heat the air in close proximity to the car, causing the air to expand.

The largest amount of expansion will occur at the front of the car, as the bonnet is the largest panel.

Thus the air expands at the front of the car and slighly at the sides.

The more a gas expands, the lower its density is, and thus the less resistance it will give to a moving object, eg the black car....[3]

Thus, if we take 2 identical cars, but with one of them black,

the black one during daylight/sunshine will be able to accelerate quicker and have a higher maximum speed, due to less air-resistance.

QED. the_finger.gif

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black is the fastest colour for a car proof linky


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Black is the fastest colour for a car...by some margin

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No, no, no! Blue's quicker.

Red? Some stats came out a while ago that you're 3 x more likely to get stopped ina red car than a black, silver or blue one.

There again, 8 out of 10 people don't give a toss about statistics...

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There is a flaw in the theory posted above about black cars. znaika.gif

Yes I agree that the car will heat up quicker and that it will expand the air around it, thus making the air less dense. However, when the air first reaches the car it will be the same density no matter what colour your car is. Darker colours will then heat the air causing it to expand. As the air expands it will exert equal pressure in all directions. This in turn will create drag as the air expands against the front facing surfaces of the car. Therefore black cars should be the slowest!!!!!! fekr.gif and silver cars the fastest!!!!!! sekret.gif

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I think that you will find that the plating process required to cover the forward parts of the vehicle in chromium would be very complicated and also that the weight of the finished article would be greater than the painted one. Therefore, more weight means less speed!!!!!! fekr.gif169144-ok.gif

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