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Parking Charges


Nordschleife tends to open full days only on a Sunday, making this a weekend event. Which weekend wo  

  1. 1. Nordschleife tends to open full days only on a Sunday, making this a weekend event. Which weekend wo

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What price is reasonable for parking?

I'm going on the radio today to complain about the new parking charges at Luton airport 21 minutes is now £4.00 which I feel is a bit steep.

I appreciate some of you guys/girls are used to paying high charges in the city, but it doesnt mean its reasonable.

So a quick poll on what is aceptable:

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I live in a town where all parking all day is free, so I guess i'm a bit spoilt by that but, when even other airports such as East Midlands offer free parking for the first 1/2 hour I feel Luton are using what is effectively a monopoly for short term parking unfairly.

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I went to pick up my son from LHR T1 recently. I followed the signs to T1 arrivals, to find that I was being guided into a covered (multi-storey?) car park, with a minimum charge of £3.60. I reversed back out (to the annoyance of other cars trying to get in), escaped through the taxi lane, and phoned my son to get upstairs to the departures level where you can stop (for free) in the drop-off area.

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In Reading town center its £17 for a day or was last time i looked, which is flipping nuts! but having said that i drove into london a couple of weeks ago the first car park wanted £40 for a day EEK2.GIF, i reversed out which wasn't easy! but two other cars were doing the same, i expected £25 there was no way on this earth i was paying £40! 169144-ok.gif

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I just don't questions like this - what's the point?

If in your opinion it's too expensive to park there then don't park there. It's hardly rocket science is it?

*YOU* have a choice about where you park. The more convienience you want the more you'll pay.

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I rarely park in public car parks, in my local town and nearest city I have the benefit of parking in a private carpark free of charge.

When I stay with my girlfriend in Chichester, it's £2.50 per day.

I think parking for 1/2 hour should be either free, or a nominal charge like 50p.

1-2 Hours should be no more than £2.00

I would object at anything more than £5 for a while day.

Of course, like any other business car parking is demand/supply driven hence why people pay silly amounts to park their car in London all day.

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In reply to the original question though, I'd rather pay a little bit more for congestion and parking charges to have the roads and car parks that little bit quieter. Even if it adds a bit to the price of doing business.

It's much easier to drive in and out of London now and the M6 toll is superb. 169144-ok.gif

The car park I paid £30 to park in the other evening had burly security guards with dogs on the gate. notworthy.gif

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NHS are b4stards.

I understand the reasons for high car parking at airports or any transport hubs, but visiting some one in hospital will cost you.

Dartford Hospital is out in the middle of nowhere, charge £4 for up to 2 hours, same at Chase Farm, Enfield.

Now because you need to use a car to get to the hospitals (both have sh1te public transport), you pay £4 for 2 hours 24/7 x 365

Another form of tax, when I helped fund the places via tax and NI in the 1st place-

Rant over

Well no quite, I stayed and held her for the last 14 hour off my mums life. When I left the hospital I got charged £16 for that privilege smashfreakB.gifSAUER0421.GIFEEK2.GIF

It's well out of order, and the car got keyed!

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NHS are b4stards.

I understand the reasons for high car parking at airports or any transport hubs, but visiting some one in hospital will cost you.

Dartford Hospital is out in the middle of nowhere, charge £4 for up to 2 hours, same at Chase Farm, Enfield.

Now because you need to use a car to get to the hospitals (both have sh1te public transport), you pay £4 for 2 hours 24/7 x 365

Another form of tax, when I helped fund the places via tax and NI in the 1st place-

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Indeed. We (NHS staff), have to pay for parking too, and we're not even guaranteed a space!

Fish and chips in the canteen has gone up a quid too, but that's a different thread. smashfreakB.gif

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*YOU* have a choice about where you park. The more convienience you want the more you'll pay.

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What choice do you have at airports then ? None. Pay or take a cab. Look at the long term parking costs at Brum, East Mids etc, loads of space, no investment in security/cleaning etc etc, and they charge a fortune. I wish there was a choice !

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*YOU* have a choice about where you park. The more convienience you want the more you'll pay.

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What choice do you have at airports then ? None. Pay or take a cab. Look at the long term parking costs at Brum, East Mids etc, loads of space, no investment in security/cleaning etc etc, and they charge a fortune. I wish there was a choice !

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Well I am a cab, but I still have to park so it still puts the price up for you anyway, we spend many thousands of pounds on Short term parking each year, hence my complaint to Luton Airport and the more general thread here 169144-ok.gif

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