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It's coming early!!!


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Got a call frm my dealer yesterday. My car that is ment to be coming in November. Will be here next month woo hoo grin.gif Week starting the 26th!!! grin.gif

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Nice one mate, think I will skip your offer of a spin out in the QS and wait until the new beast arrives tongue.giftongue.giftongue.gif


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So you will have it in time for the Dorset meet Daz, nice one 169144-ok.gif, I hope my new cab arrives early too, at the moment scheduled for build towards the end of June.

Just out of interest are RS A4s made on the same production line as the 'regular' A4s ?

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My dealer says for some reason all his orders are coming in early.

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Riz? Riz...? UHOH7.GIF

[/ QUOTE ]Im here... been doing alot of work away from home hence very little posting... smirk.gif

Right as it stands i`m in no rush to collect mine any earlier than Sept 1st, A) it gives me a few more months to think it through and B) gives my dad time to think about my option to buy a cheaper car, probably a M3 CSL.

I could go ahead with the RS4 but my dad could do with alittle money as hes in abit of situation at the moment...

I had the chance when ordering my car to either buy one ready for April 2006 or November 2006, I found a dealership who could offer me the car for the new 56 registration plate. I turn 26 in August and I had my plan worked out perfectly frown.gif

To be honest im pretty gutted about the whole situation but family comes first over a RS4 etc so im probably either going to have to miss my chance at the RS4 for this year and lose my deposit (was always a risk) or go ahead and see if I can help my dads situation some other way.

I could borrow more money but that wasnt my primary goal to begin with..... so if my dad needs the cash then he`ll get some and I will have to settle for a CSL or wait abit longer...

Araaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh SAUER0421.GIFSAUER0421.GIFSAUER0421.GIF

Riz frown.gif

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I ordered mine in March as was due for September delivery, the last I heard was that it could be October or 'definately by the end of the year'.

If some November deliveries are now coming through for next month maybe there's a chance mine will too smile.gif

Anyone know why they're coming through early? Do they put the RS4s through the factory in batches?

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[/ QUOTE ]Fecking too right SAUER0421.GIFSAUER0421.GIFSAUER0421.GIFSAUER0421.GIF I will decide if I want to get HP or a loan to pay the rest of the balance off.. not really keen on borrowing money for a car though...

Riz pengy.gif

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Well this is quite a shock Riz.

[/ QUOTE ]Its bad.... really bad...... I wasnt going to actually post anything on the forums yet but thought whats the point...... I honestly dont know what to do at the moment.... suicide.gif I dont see it as a big thing as I`ll just have to go to my 2nd choice of car which will be the M3 CSL.... but insurance costs are actually about £700 more for the CSL compared to the RS4......

I will make a choice a month before collection I think... just take it easy and see what happens..

Riz pengy.gif

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Riz me old mukka

You don't honestly believe that we all go along with what you say? Sorry, there's fantasy and there's stupidity.

Don't be silly now mate, otherwise you'll end up looking like a cock. You're not getting an RS4 are you grin.gif

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Riz me old mukka

You don't honestly believe that we all go along with what you say? Sorry, there's fantasy and there's stupidity.

Don't be silly now mate, otherwise you'll end up looking like a cock. You're not getting an RS4 are you grin.gif

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