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Anyone been diving off South Afirca or Mozambie..?


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Is that a good thing or a bad thing ??!!

[/ QUOTE ]Personally I'd consider it a good thing. There's something about being in the water near sharks that makes the experience better than diving a good wreck or with dolphins. They're incredible creatures, truly a joy to behold.

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I've been to both Mocambique (once) and SA (tons).

Firslty Mocambique is excellent, but then we drove from Zimbabwe, took all our own gear and air compressors etc in 4 trucks.

We crossed the boarder and headed to the coast where we set up camp and basically dived from little inflatables. Tons to see, lots of fish (spear fishing) etc but not many sharks, or certainly not big ones where we were. So no idea of organised diving tours......There are also alot of mines in Mocabique.... near the borders and on some of the beaches.

That said, it seems to be a place which is taking off with Ponta Del Oro apparently being a bit of a dive Mecca these days.

Anyway SA is excellent too, although COLD in certain areas. We did Cage Diving an hour or so NW of Cape Town which was very interesting, and probably very safe, but I wont do it again as it was expensive, Freezing Cold, very scary and rough. We saw three Great whites, all about the size of a London Bus, HUGE things and purely designed for killing.

We also went with these guys Protea Banks

A German Guy called Andre was our guide and he was awesome. Although this is diving not for the faint hearted or beginner. You want to have been diving for a few years and certainly not be newly qualified as he did like to go deep, (40m+). Although I am sure they can tailor make it for you.

We actually met him in Sharm.

Saw hundreds of sharks, seriously.

One evening we were under about 60+ Hammerheads as they came up the side of the reef......

When you get back to the surface, its dark, and you are out of that water damn quickly!!

He organised accomodation and recommended restaurants (best fish ever!) and it was not expensive. You can rent kit there too if you need it, and it was recommended by alot of folk.

SA is, IMO, a better country to visit. You can go to Jo'berg do the national parks, then fly to cap town, do the winelands, (play some excellent golf!), do the winelands again, eat the finest food on the planet, do the winelands once more, drive East see Whales, eat more food, drink more wine, dive, go back to Jo'Berg and fly home. Jo'berg isnt the best of places, but the rest of the country is superb!

Just remember to take a decent Waterproof digital camera with you...... (not a crappy 35mm that leaked).....

But turn off the flash or it might get interesting.


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Thanks for the information.

As mentioned on a different post, plan is to do 3 nights in Capetown, 7 nights on a horseback safari in a private game reserve near Kruger national park and then 4 nights on Benguerra island off Mozambique.

I would certainly consder a shark dive off SA during the first days of the trip.

Maybe I should take my golf clubs as well ?!


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Golf Courses over there are like championship ones you see on tv, and cost about £12 a round!

You can hire clubs over there too for peanuts.

When in Cape Town, I wouldnt bother with Robbin Island trip to be honest. I would hire a car and do the wine lands to the north. Look up staying at Diemersfontaine (sp?) or Roggeland an hour up N1, best food you will ever eat and the wines are amazing!

Key 4 in the harbour is a nice bar on the water.

Harbour is a good place to find the diving charter people and also do the Aquarium, its superb! Best I've been to.

And finally Brads Grill in Kennelworth is the best steak I have ever had. Its 20 mins out of CT, but full of locals, off the tourist track and you can only get to it by cab.(wouldn't go wandering about too much there though).

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