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Drink Driving Friend


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I have a frined who is currently on his second drink driving ban. This time he got disqualified for 3 years and 18 months probation for being 4 times over the limit next morning shocked.gif. He has never had an accident or injured anyone whilst doing this, both have been ramdom stops when he has been caught.

Now here's my problem. He is continuing to drive.

He wont listen to anyone who tells him what a spanner he is. He is a succesful 32 year old father, therefore should know better.

One side of me (the friend) says its not my problem, as long as he is careful he isnt doing anyone any harm.

The other side of me (the 30 year old dad) says I should report him and let him face the consequences, as it could be my wife & son he crashes in to.

Any thoughts???

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its not worth considering - sorry but as much as he might be a friend what happens if he just runs into one of our cars - i struggle with my insurance already.

BUT - worst case, what if the unthinkable happens and he does hit a kid or seriously injure someone. Not worth thinking about... I personally urge you to let the police know (or even audi_smitten - he might be able to pass the message on to keep heat away from you).

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Its a tough decision, but you have to shop him, NOW. You are doing him a favour in the long run because he will probably kill himself (or someone else). When I lived in Norway a mate of mine got done for drink driving (idiot) and the minimum penalty was 2 months in prison. He lost his job too and really learnt his lesson ....

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Your mate is a tw*t. Sorry to be so blunt but I have no time for drink drivers let alone repeat offenders that flount the law and put others at risk. Get a few mates together and sit him down and give him a proper talking to. He is facing a certain jail term if he gets caught again.

Remind him about what happens in prison 123576-assfeck.gif

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Report the pr1ck to the police.

He has a problem and will get 10 years if he has a serious accident and does hurt someone.

So this guy, an alcholic loving father, loves life so much that he will drink drive and if caught go to jail, doesn't say alot for the respect he shows his family or the family of anyone who will end up being mowed down.

He is an Ar5ehol and deserves nothing. Shop him, or better still tell him that the police know he still has a car and is on the hot list for a tug. It was something you over heared a couple of Community officers talking about!

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Very tricky situation,it's all very well us lot saying report him but could you really see your mate go to jail?

If he is banned and driving then that's probably what will happen,could you be the one to report him?

Not sure I could to be honest.

I used to have a friend who drove drunk all the time and in the end we used to hide his car keys and he'd go mental but we still made him get a cab home and pick his car up the next day.Don't think I'd have ever reported him,even though what he was doing was completely irresponsible.

Chri5's idea is a good'un,only problem being that he'll probably end up borrowing or buying another car.

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Well guys, I think I can see which way you all think!!!!!! I do agree he needs to be stopped, but as Activa said I dont know if it should be me that does it. He doesn't do it when he is with his "older" friends but he has a few new friends who he plays the tough man in front of, and I think he believes this act of stupidity makes him look cool. NONO3.GIF

Is there a dedicated phone number to report this sort of thing. I'd like to police to let him know they know what he is doing without actually catching him, if that makes sense.

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Is there a dedicated phone number to report this sort of thing. I'd like to police to let him know they know what he is doing without actually catching him, if that makes sense.

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The police can't let him know unless they catch him or have proof, and in that case they would arrest him. The police don't go round to people's houses and accuse them of crimes that a mate has told them about I'm afraid, it doesn't work like that. They need proof - and with drink driving, that means being caught in the act.

The only way something can be done is if you know he is over the limit and then see him get in his car and drive off. You would then have to follow him, do a 999, and report his location. The police would then need to see him driving (or in control of the car), or get out of the car, and breathalise him in order to charge him.

Unfortunately that's the way it works - the police are powerless to do anything unless they see somebody committing a crime, or have solid proof that they have committed it.

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There are "Crimestopper" numbers where you can report information useful to the police anonymously. Check in your phone book, bound to be one. I'm sure they would act on someone having been given this info (traffic cars would look out for the number plate, if he's banned he doesn't have to be drunk to be stopped).

You've got to do this I'm afraid, how would you live with yourself if tomorrow he killed someone and you could have stopped it (via the police)?

For what its worth, I don't think having a "chat" with him about it will help, people are either arrogant enough to belive they are above the law and will get away with it, or not. As he clearly falls into the first catagory, having a word aint gonna help.

Remember, whatever happens to him as a result of being caught is HIS responsibility, not yours. He's the one taking the decision to drive and therefore he alone is responsible for the consiquences of being caught.

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I imagine there will be a Community Liaison Officer who might be more open about dealing with this. It’s a very difficult situation and I’d be weary of wading in and shopping him. Have a think about ALL the consequences of doing this and then take a decision. I think a reality-check from someone he’ll listen to (possibly a police officer acting in good faith – nice thought, but would it actually happen) is a very good next step.

Im not sure actively dropping him in it with the Police is actually the “best thing” for him that you could do as a friend. You’re in a deep moral conundrum I’m afraid.

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Im not sure actively dropping him in it with the Police is actually the “best thing” for him that you could do as a friend. You’re in a deep moral conundrum I’m afraid.

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I don't agree, firstly I would not remain friends with such a pratt, secondly, he deservers whatever he gets and he should be dropped in as much sh!t as possible.

Hopefully he'll end up with a prison sentence this time, the stupid tw4t.

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if hes still driving because he needs to for his job or whatever then he should have thought of that before DUI.

I say shop him asap or at least somehow get him to see the error of his ways in a harsh way. How would he feel if one of his kiddies was run over by a drink driver who is banned and therefore would get to recompense as the driver was uninsured.

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Fiftypence, hold on to your hat for this one. He doesnt use the car for work as he works in the Legal profession. He uses it visit his child who no longer lives with him, and take out the odd woman or two.

I feel like I sould be on Trisha the way this is turning out!! suicide.gif

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How does the reason for him driving make a difference?

He's driving whilst banned ( for the second time after being 4 times over the limit the following morning), I'll make a wild guess he's driving whilst drunk, he's driving whilst uninsured, how is this even worth thinking about?

Shop him. Do it anonymously by all means, but for goodness sake get this tw*t off the road! FIREdevil.gif

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I know what you are all saying is right, and I dont condone for a minute what he does, but if he is caught he will go to prison, no question.

In doing this he will lose his job (and find it very hard to get back in to his line of work), his daughter will not see her dad and I would probably lose a friend as I wouldn't be able to face him again.

I am aware he would have brought it on himself by his actions, but to be a contributing factor of this would be a big step.

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PM his details to some-one here, maybe if some-one wnats to help, then when he is DUI, PM a few bods on TSN and they can then shop him.

You are then not shopping him.........your conscience is clear.

And he works in LEGAL!!! Bl00dy hell - makes it worse!

The only problem is the maintenance for his kid when he goes down.

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It's soooo easy for us to sit here and moralise. And I'm not sure I'd have the guts to do what I'm about to suggest myself. However...

Confront him. Tell him that if he doesn't stop driving now, you'll shop him next time you know he's over the limit.

If he takes that badly, then it looks like you'll be losing a friend anyway. Which means it won't be as hard for you to shop him... (cruel logic I know, but it's true...)

I understand what you're saying when you say he'll lose his job and go inside and that it's a big step, but you have to compare that with what may happen if he carries on. If he kills someone, could you live with yourself having done nothing to try and stop him?

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its not definite he will be put away!! if he doesnt have previous convictions (apart from drink drive from before) he isnt a definite case for prison! call crimestoppers! or as mentioned, ask someone else to!

you obviously want to report it or you wouldnt have bothered asking us!!

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