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Sat Nav is Dangerous

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Drivers Wary of Satellite Navigation

Driving to distraction: Satellite navigation devices can be a menace, it is claimed

They may be the latest must-have motoring gadgets but most drivers believe in-car satellite navigation systems can cause accidents.

Nearly three-quarters of motorists say the systems are potentially dangerous if drivers take their eyes off the road to use them, a survey from www.motorinsurance.co.uk found.

And 81 per cent of those polled said drivers should be required to pull in to use their sat nav systems.

Also, two-in-three motorists believe sat nav systems will reduce a driver's ability to read a map.

Only 53 per cent said that such a system would make them more likely to drive in an area they did not already know.

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According to Government estimates there are now 2.2 million vehicles with satellite navigation systems on Britain's roads. And one-in-five of all new cars are fitted with the systems as standard.

Nearly four out of five of the people polled think cars with sat navs are more appealing to thieves.

Andrew Dunkerley, marketing director of www.motorinsurance.co.uk, said: "The vast majority of motorists are law-abiding, sensible drivers, but our poll shows that many people have strong concerns about the impact sat navs can have on a driver's concentration.

"No one wants to have an accident with a driver who's been mucking about with his sat nav and not focusing on the road ahead.

"And drivers should be careful if they choose to install a satellite navigation device because, judging by our poll, it may make their vehicle more attractive to thieves."

do you think most of those polled do not have sat nav?

I set mine at the start of my journey and that is it,and surely it is far better than stopping every 2 minutes to try andread a map

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The key prhase is this one:


Nearly three-quarters of motorists say the systems are potentially dangerous if drivers take their eyes off the road to use them, a survey from www.motorinsurance.co.uk found.

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Since all sat nav systems have the option of voice prompts there is no need to take your eyes off the road to use them.

And I certainly think it's less dangerous being told where to turn than having an argument with the person reading a map!!!

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Poppycock! Firstly, as said, having someone 'tell' you to turn left is far safer than reading it from an RAC printout, or a map. And secondly.. Sat Nav has saved my life in the fog. I was driving in Hereford at 2am, and the fog was dense enough to not see your hand in front of you. There were people crashing all over the place - going off the road etc (and in hereford, with all the hills, that's not the best of things to be doing.) I had the map zoomed out a bit on my Pioneer, and as such, could see when the turns were coming up and slow right down accordingly. Fortunately, this proved to be beneficial, as just as I was about to hit a bend, the car in front of me slammed his brakes on, cos the turn was sharp. I just coasted round it.

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"And 81 per cent of those polled said drivers should be required to pull in to use their sat nav systems." <font color="blue"> - How silly, may aswell buy a map! </font>

"Also, two-in-three motorists believe sat nav systems will reduce a driver's ability to read a map." <font color="blue"> - Sat Nav is a map... and if you can't read one, you shouldn't be on the road. </font>

"Only 53 per cent said that such a system would make them more likely to drive in an area they did not already know." <font color="blue"> - Erm... isn't that the point of an intelligent map? </font>

Who writes this stuff... have they nothing better to do? ROLLEY~14.GIF

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agree with all points, my tom tom is so useful and the bluetooth phone is brill, now how about all those PR*CKS who still use their mobiles whilst driving.

Saw a chap in a brand new Range Rover sport on his phone whilst trying to negotiate a country road, cant afford a bluetooth confused.gif

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On a sidenote, but directly related to the above post; this morning on the way to work, I saw a woman on the A19 chatting away on her mobile. I was so infuritated by this, I pulled in front of her (I was overtaking) a little sooner than I normally would, hoping that my very large car, vs her very small car, would prove to give her a bit of a fright. My plan was half twice as victorious, and half backfired cos the traffic in front of me came to a sharp stop. I hit my brakes to stop, and she got the absolute fright of her life, dropped the phone on the floor, and looked to be holding onto her steering wheel for dear life! Slightly dangerous and stupid of me, but really, really funny. Had she not been distracted on the phone, she would have no doubt noticed the stationary traffic at the same time as me, and not had to brake so suddenly.

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On a sidenote, but directly related to the above post; this morning on the way to work, I saw a woman on the A19 chatting away on her mobile. I was so infuritated by this, I pulled in front of her (I was overtaking) a little sooner than I normally would, hoping that my very large car, vs her very small car, would prove to give her a bit of a fright. My plan was half twice as victorious, and half backfired cos the traffic in front of me came to a sharp stop. I hit my brakes to stop, and she got the absolute fright of her life, dropped the phone on the floor, and looked to be holding onto her steering wheel for dear life! Slightly dangerous and stupid of me, but really, really funny. Had she not been distracted on the phone, she would have no doubt noticed the stationary traffic at the same time as me, and not had to brake so suddenly.

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Paul, there are enough twats on the road already, and there's really no need to risk yours and others necks to prove a point.... smashfreakB.gifsmashfreakB.gif

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I'd see SAT Nav as a safety measure, in that it takes away one of the uncertainties of driving - the "which way now" last minute manouevre.

However, actually programming the system while on the move is just plain dangerous most of the time. I know some systems don't allow this (lexus?), but the BMW one does, and unless carried out by a passenger, actually using it (ie inputting destinations etc) is distracting IMO


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Being a glorified rep, I find Sat Nav an absolute godsend. It saves me having to read a map while I'm eating my sandwich with my crisps in my lap, drinking a bottle of coke, changing the radio station, listening out for the snooper and answering my phone. Oh, and driving, of course.

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As long as you drive an auto you can do all that quite safely, you do drive an auto don't you?? coffee.gif

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Being a glorified rep, I find Sat Nav an absolute godsend. It saves me having to read a map while I'm eating my sandwich with my crisps in my lap, drinking a bottle of coke, changing the radio station, listening out for the snooper and answering my phone. Oh, and driving, of course.

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As long as you drive an auto you can do all that quite safely, you do drive an auto don't you?? coffee.gif

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Oh no I forgot the changing gear bit.. it's very manual and short geared making it even more fun in town coffee.gif

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  • 1 month later...


do you think most of those polled do not have sat nav?

I set mine at the start of my journey and that is it,and surely it is far better than stopping every 2 minutes to try andread a map

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Exactly. I was about to say the same thing. It's for that reason I think SatNav is safer, when you don't know where you are, especially if you're on your own. (No one to co-pilot for you.)

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Sat Nav is much safer - the human navigator tends to make a lot more mistakes, and gets physical and very vocal when I choose to ignore her.

The Sat Nav may be very insistent that I make a U-turn, but never raises her voice or changes her tone!

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very true 169144-ok.gif

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