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fecking little chavs!


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Here is my problem....

I live in a apartment block and pay a service charge to mentain the grounds etc outside including some fencing.

Now some little fecking chavs have decided its fun to keep kicking the center sections of them out..... and see fit to walk around outside around 8pm - 10pm at night being little pests. No doubt the service change will reflect this in higher charges etc.

Ive caught four of them last week and had a go at them... I was flippin angry... but didnt batter them or anything.

It seems my harsh words havent stopped them ...... what can I do?

My mini is parked outside so any revenge attacks from them could be taken out on my car........ and I doubt I will get out in time to kill them. smirk.gif

Personally I want to kick the living s#it out of them.

Any advice?


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Yeah, move. Thats what i had to do. The 'modern' block of flats i stayed in was factored at the cost of £600 per year.

Most of the residents moved out and rented their flats instead of selling, only trouble was it was all polish, romanians, hungarians etc (i'm not pc) moved in. Different culture, different attitude. They totally trashed the place, flicking fag ends onto the grounds and dumping rubbish bags outside of the designated bin areas. I was forced to move. Now i've got a nice big mortgage sportifs2.gif

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I blame the teachers. If they taught these kids right from wrong and how to respect everything then we wouldn't have these problems, I mean, how are the parents supposed to have time to do this when they have to keep nipping down the off-licence for 10 B&H and a 4 cans of Tennants super stength lager?

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I was about to explode when you said teachers, but then I read the rest of your post ;o) My wife has been teaching for the past 18 years and the stories she comes home with are truly saddening. Probably 10% of her day is teaching, 50% is being a parent and trying to instill manors, respect, tolerance, compromise, standards, etc. The reamining 40% is admin tasks, dealing with parents and other agencies.

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I was about to explode when you said teachers, but then I read the rest of your post ;o) My wife has been teaching for the past 18 years and the stories she comes home with are truly saddening. Probably 10% of her day is teaching, 50% is being a parent and trying to instill manors, respect, tolerance, compromise, standards, etc. The reamining 40% is admin tasks, dealing with parents and other agencies.

[/ QUOTE ]

I always like to post something inflamatory first and then put out the flames with some nice banter jump.gif

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Police have already been involved as lastnight the kids decided to smash a plant pot then throw one into somebodies greenhouse.... I heard the smash...... and the officer rang me today as I left a note on his car.

He has a walk around lastnight and saw the kids but there were too many of them.. so hes asked for the local community support van to now visit my estate.

Saw them again tonight and filmed them but my camera is a sony cybershot 6 megapixel.... it wont work in the dark frown.gif

If I has my cousin around we would have gone out with some snooker cues and done it the un-official way.

But until ive sold my Mini... im just hoping the dont do any other damage to anything else.

Moving is really a drastic option considering weve not had big trouble since ive lived here.... maybe they will move on once they get bored....... the police officer said theyve never had to have a van do a run on our estate before.

Any idea`s what camera I could buy?

Riz crazy.gif

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Just a thought, it's not half term is it ?

[/ QUOTE ]Mmmmmm not sure...... still... its annoying the feck out of me...... once ive sold my mini and if they are still hanging around me and some loyal supports of non-endorsed police solutions are going to go hunting FIREdevil.gif


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Thought about setting up a small cctv camera from your bedroom window? Record them doing it. but becareful what the camera picks up ie other peoples bedrooms etc

[/ QUOTE ]Yeah im thinking about it mmmm but going to have to search around for one that works in low lighting...... bit skint this month too frown.gif

Riz frown.gif

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My brother had the same problem and after two years of trying everything he moved, was the only way him and his family could feel secure. He did once swing a chain around at the little feckers and the plods cautioned him !!! what a wonderful PC world we live in.

Here's a true story for you about plod. My mate phones a taxi to collect him for a night out. As he's on the phone he notices through is kitchen window some kids walking up and down a neighbours garden with a PC, Video, Cd player etc, obviously doing the place over. So he immediately calls plod telling them to get a move on a the burglary in in progress.

Anyway, his taxis arrives (before plod) even though it was called within 2-3 mins of each other. About 3 miles from his house he see's the plod car go past on it's way to the said burglary.

The moral of the story is: If you want a plod in a hurry call a taxi and ask them to pick up a plod on the way over. Tue story - honest !

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Riz - as much as I respec tthe opinions of others - my own is that cameras are pointless. They can't be submitted as evidence to the courts (unless it's a pro install which is much $$$) via the po po, so they will not even bother.

[/ QUOTE ]

Can you elaborate on this?

There is an article in a PC magazine this month about CCTV on the cheap. They use webcams. They ask if such footage is admissible in law and quote a Police officer saying yes, it is.

There's also a famous example of a burglar being prosecuted using such evidence. (He was filmed stealing a PC by a webcam which was uploading to a web server.)

Admittedly there are differences when filming outside is concerned, but there are lots of websites giving advice on what is/isn't acceptable.

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Film footage is admissible as evidence. It can be tampered with though so any prosecuting authority will take this into account by looking at the quality, granularity, light intensity etc. If it’s poor then it will be rejected.

If you have a time and date logger on the screen (as some video camera do) then use this as it will date / time stamp the footage and proves it has not been tampered with.

Be careful if you’re filming kids under the ages 16. Under law their identity should not be revealed.

Also, what would be the point in filming them? They know they’re beyond the law (under 16) and mostly stare at any CCTV in defiance.

One things that does put the shits up them is a vicious dog ! Why not go get the meanest most anti-social dog you can from the local kennels, you only need keep if for couple of weeks and regularly walk it past this lot – maybe let it nip their legs etc. They’ll soon move on.

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Get some Mr Muscle squirty kitchen cleaner, squirt in Chav's faces.

While they can't see and are screaming due to chemical burning, bang them on the back of the neck with a suitable lump of wood (a rounders bat with a 20mm drilled hole 200mm deep drilled from the top, then filled with melted lead to add some weight).

While the chavs are unconscious, get the filler foamy can out and spray in to under pants- you could insert the tube in a certain orifice if your feeling 'nasty' blush.gif.

The result several chavs in A&E, blind so not able to provide witness statements, missing a few more brain cells (not that they have many anyway) and set hard foam filler on skin and genital area.

If you've ever had the misfortune to get filler foam on your skin your know exactly how impossible it is to get off.

Job's a good un 169144-ok.gif

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